
We are committed to providing the highest quality products and customer service. If you are not satisfied with your purchase simply return the item(s) to us in their original condition within 14 days of receipt. We will issue a refund (excluding the original delivery charge) upon receipt. You are also entitled to return your item(s) to us in their original condition within 14 days of receiving your order for an exchange. This means that you can replace your original order with item(s) from our online shop up to but not exceeding the value of your original purchase.

Please note: The item is your responsibility until it reaches us. For your own protection, we recommend that you send the parcel using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods. The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility. We cannot accept liability for parcels damaged during transit so we advise you to wrap the product adequately to prevent this happening. Please ensure you contact us prior to returning the item as you will be allocated a returns number. You will need to include the following details with all returns: * Your daytime contact telephone number * The reason for the return * Your allocated returns number N.B For all bespoke and/or personalised items, i.e. where you are specifying your particular Rank or Province etc, you must ensure that the items you are ordering are correct and appropriate to your needs. We are unable to credit or offer refunds on any items that have been specifically made and personalised to your instructions.

To action a return please contact Customer Services on 024 7644 3469 or email us at and we will provide you with a returns number to send in with your parcel.

Please use the email link below to start your return, be sure to include:

Your Full Name

Order Number

Date of Purchase

Full name of Item for return

Reason for return

Contact Telephone number


A member of our team will be in touch with 5 days to arrange the return process.